In the good old days, diamonds were a girl's best friend- sorry gals-not any longer...unless in this enlightened age girls are now being given names like Jeff and Damien.To be a cutting edge artist these days, one needs diamonds. Sorry about that- it IS a bad joke. What can I say, I'm an artist; a failed artist whose sense of humour and limited optimism flew the coop decades ago.If you're interested in what the hell this is all about go to the site that I pinched this photo from.Here's a taste...“The diamond is seven feet wide. The stone is attached to a ring by four prongs. For me, the prongs are like sperm attacking an ovum. The facets of the diamond are the egg in the process of being fertilized.” Jeff KoonsNo further comment. Hmmm.Please note, that Fong may not agree with what may be construed as criticism of Mr Koons work. He is, after all, rather partial to rocks himself.